Getting Lost...

The other day I decided to join two my fellow trainees on their early morning run (4:45am). I seriously could not keep up, but really, that's not very shocking. I just ran at my own pace a few paces behind them until finally I got lost and ended up at a three-way intersection further from the village and more in the fields where most of the farming is along with a breathtaking view of all that Batu has to offer. I realized something as I was standing in the middle deciding which road to take and I came to the realization that I often tend to find myself in this situation where I'm presented with different options or different paths and every time I choose to go down each path until it no longer works for me. I try everything until I know that's not what I want to do or where I want to be. So again, I used my same theory and walked down each road as far as it would take for me to know I wasn't going too far out of my way and finally I found myself back in my village and the diverted roads I took to get there were the best experience because they led me to new people and exposed me to new areas. 

Getting lost is how we find our way.


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